If you're going to live in Uruguay for a period of time and aims to process the temporary or permanent residence, we can provide the advice you need. 

The paperwork needed for the processing of residence can be lengthy and difficult to carry out by a foreigner who is not familiar with the country. Although Uruguay is a country prone to receive these foreigners is necessary to comply with a series of requirements that should be credited to the Dirección Nacional de Migraciones (National Directorate of Migration), the body responsible for approving the residences.

The paperwork needed for the processing of residence can be lengthy and difficult to carry out by a foreigner who is not familiar with the country. Although Uruguay is a country prone to receive these foreigners is necessary to comply with a series of requirements that should be credited to the Dirección Nacional de Migraciones (National Directorate of Migration), the body responsible for approving the residences.
While, the body responsible for granting residence permits to overseas tends to follow the formalities personally, it also allows, through a letter of authorization, granted powers to other persons for the completion of formalities.
For more information or advice contact us at residenceuruguay@gmail.com
We work in Motevideo downtown.
For more information or advice contact us at residenceuruguay@gmail.com
We work in Motevideo downtown.
the complete compendium of uruguayan tramitations (in spanish)
And also a page with links to official web sites concerning to foreign people:
Nice and accurate. Enjoy it!!!