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Benefits for retirees

Benefits granted to retirees who obtain permanent residence for retirement.

Retired certifying revenue of U.S. $ 1500

- Introduction, within six months of approved permanent residence in the country, one-time free of any formality and free exchange of all types of customs duties, taxes or charges related to the following assets:
1), furniture and effects of home-room, adequate to its needs, according to estimates made by the customs authorities.
2), motor vehicle, which may not be transferred for a period of four years after it is introduced to the Republic, where special arrangements will be entered in the registration documents and the Register of Motor Vehicles and must be insured tort liability for the maximum amount allowed by the, insurance company, before going into circulation.

- The granting of common passport, which issuance is governed by the provisions of the article, included in this benefit to spouses and children under 18 years of the owner of the management who have obtained permanent residence.

- The maintenance in the territory of life insurance and pension coverage for those who had been contracted abroad.

1 comment:

  1. the complete compendium of uruguayan tramitations (in spanish)

    And also a page with links to official web sites concerning to foreign people:

    Nice and accurate. Enjoy it!!!

