Migration Law Number 18.250
The Uruguayan State recognizes as an inalienable right of migrants and their families regardless of their immigration status, the right to migration, the right to family reunification, due process and access to justice, as well as equal rights with citizens, without distinction based on sex, race, color, language, religion or conviction, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, nationality, age, economic position, property, state civil, birth or other status.
The admission, entry, stay and exit of persons into the national territory shall be governed by the provisions of the Constitution, this Act and regulations that effect is issued.
The term "migrant" is applicable to any foreigner who enters the territory with the intention to reside and settle in it, permanently or temporarily.
The Uruguayan government will guarantee all migrants the rights and privileges agreed by the laws of the Republic and the international instruments ratified by the country.