Basic Guide
- Birth Certificate.
-Marriage Certificate
- Police Records. (Obtained in the country that you lived in the last five years)
If you lived in the United States the last five years, the police can obtain a certificate through the office of Interpol in Uruguay.
The documents obtained abroad need the following:
- Legalisation by the Uruguayan consulate in the country of which they are obtained.
- Legalisation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Uruguay.
- Translation into Spanish.
Other documents needed:
Documents proving livelihood (enough income to support him/herself).
Other requirements:
- Certificate of health (obtained in Uruguay, supported by the Ministry of Health).
- Uruguay Entry card (provided to you at the passport control when entering Uruguay, or in case that you don't have it, the photocopy of the passport bearing the stamp of entry). In the event that is not duly noted you should clarify the exact date on which you entered the country as well as the entry point used.
- Passport picture.
Contact Us: 092 769 764
From other countries: 598 92 769764
Documents needed to start the procedure
More information about procedures
Documentation required:
1. Pledge to work on the company letterhead, signed by person or persons authorized by the company, position or function, which will play the person concerned, the amount of monthly salary must be sufficient for their maintenance, and notarized where certificate certifying the existence
2. Contract work trial, by notarization in which detailed data are required for the company and fundamental terms of the contract (work, pay and run).
a. Employees of a person: submit affidavit signed by the employer and a notarized certificate attesting to: signing of the employment stated above, the amount of salary paid and the registration with the BPS. It will also be valid directly submit a notarized certification under the terms outlined, no affidavit.
b. Entrepreneurs, shareholders (SA, SRL, and so on.) Must submit notarized or certified public accountant containing details of the company (personality, life, term social order, formed in the home country, enrollment in the BPS and the DGI) as well as linking gestiónate to it, and estimated monthly income.
c. Employers and workers (OPEs): submit affidavit of its business with notarization of signature, the data of the company (address, subject) of entry in the BPS and the DGI and monthly income.
d. Rentiers, retirees and pensioners abroad: where to submit notarized certificate certifying that capacity, the concept of income, the amount received in Uruguay (U.S. $ monthly minimum $ 1,500).
e. Retired in Uruguay: Introducing the latest recovery of the public.
f. Spouse of a public employee or retiree in Uruguay: Introducing the latest recovery of the public-salary or retirement.
g. Religious: to present a certificate issued by the church or congregation to which he belongs leaf letterhead, with the same record that takes care of maintenance costs of the applicant. This is where you attach notarized certification proving the legal and other data of the church. Shall be valid letter of the curia or the archdiocese instead of the certificate notarized.
h. Students: for those foreigners who apply for residence in the country for reasons of study, must:
Try as a student by an official certificate from the school, in the case of a private institute will be accompanied by notarization of the existence of the institute, including its data (personality, life, home and order) --
Try livelihoods through notarization or certification of bank installed in the country with the regular movements of money for their maintenance in the country.
i. Owners of property:
Submit notarized certificate where the notary certifies that the person is sole owner of the property (details of the property). It is accepted that the ownership of the property has the family (husband, wife and children). No one accepts that the property belongs to a company's gestionante.
Submit notarized certificate where the notary certifies that the person concerned is promisor buyer of the property (details of the property) and that the purchase was registered in the register of pledges of alienation of immovable deadlines.
To take into account: Certificates of livelihood can be extended by clerks or accountants. In both cases must be lodged with bell ringer Montepio notarized or professional respectively.
* All livelihoods should indicate monthly income.
** Once the file each time you upgrade livelihoods, should submit a new notarially-certified if necessary.
*** Will not be accepted ways of life of the partner or concubine of gestionante, unless the union has Uruguayan descent.
In the case of Brazil, which accepts the certificate is issued by the appropriate state. If the certificate of the federal police, just needs to present the authority of the state to be declared a legal resident.
* If the person is older than 15 years and lived the last five years before entering the country in the united states, or their nationality is American, must come to the office of Interpol in Montevideo to take fingerprints, called for the background.
* In order to shorten the time of administrative procedure, for example to obtain the provisional ballot, he may bring the certificate of good conduct (legalized and translated) from countries that maintain the convention of Interpol.
* To start the process of residency is required to submit all the requirements.
* If he does not speak Spanish, with participating interpreter.
* Any foreigner who is this document to be added to the file must necessarily be legalized by the Uruguayan consulate and the ministry of foreign affairs, and translated into Spanish, if necessary.
* In case of a foreigner under the age of 18 years, in addition to complying with the above requirements, must present specific permission from their parents to settle in Uruguay. You'll have to try as a student from 5 years of age, with certificate of study and a notarized certificate (full details of the school), whether the institution is public does not need a notarized certificate. If the child is not going to live with any of its parents must be established by their parents that adult is responsible for him in the country, which will seek its consent.
*Temporary identity card abroad to start their legal residence will be newly empowered to receive the certificate for obtaining the first Uruguayan identity card as a temporary-resident-in process, once held in the file, or certifications of good conduct from the outside.
Any doubt, consultation, clarification of interest on any aspect of these formalities, do not hesitate to contact us:
- A photo ID card
- Livelihood
- Employees of Legal Persons:
1. Pledge to work on the company letterhead, signed by person or persons authorized by the company, position or function, which will play the person concerned, the amount of monthly salary must be sufficient for their maintenance, and notarized where certificate certifying the existence
2. Contract work trial, by notarization in which detailed data are required for the company and fundamental terms of the contract (work, pay and run).
a. Employees of a person: submit affidavit signed by the employer and a notarized certificate attesting to: signing of the employment stated above, the amount of salary paid and the registration with the BPS. It will also be valid directly submit a notarized certification under the terms outlined, no affidavit.
b. Entrepreneurs, shareholders (SA, SRL, and so on.) Must submit notarized or certified public accountant containing details of the company (personality, life, term social order, formed in the home country, enrollment in the BPS and the DGI) as well as linking gestiónate to it, and estimated monthly income.
c. Employers and workers (OPEs): submit affidavit of its business with notarization of signature, the data of the company (address, subject) of entry in the BPS and the DGI and monthly income.
d. Rentiers, retirees and pensioners abroad: where to submit notarized certificate certifying that capacity, the concept of income, the amount received in Uruguay (U.S. $ monthly minimum $ 1,500).
e. Retired in Uruguay: Introducing the latest recovery of the public.
f. Spouse of a public employee or retiree in Uruguay: Introducing the latest recovery of the public-salary or retirement.
g. Religious: to present a certificate issued by the church or congregation to which he belongs leaf letterhead, with the same record that takes care of maintenance costs of the applicant. This is where you attach notarized certification proving the legal and other data of the church. Shall be valid letter of the curia or the archdiocese instead of the certificate notarized.
h. Students: for those foreigners who apply for residence in the country for reasons of study, must:
Try as a student by an official certificate from the school, in the case of a private institute will be accompanied by notarization of the existence of the institute, including its data (personality, life, home and order) --
Try livelihoods through notarization or certification of bank installed in the country with the regular movements of money for their maintenance in the country.
i. Owners of property:
Submit notarized certificate where the notary certifies that the person is sole owner of the property (details of the property). It is accepted that the ownership of the property has the family (husband, wife and children). No one accepts that the property belongs to a company's gestionante.
Submit notarized certificate where the notary certifies that the person concerned is promisor buyer of the property (details of the property) and that the purchase was registered in the register of pledges of alienation of immovable deadlines.
To take into account: Certificates of livelihood can be extended by clerks or accountants. In both cases must be lodged with bell ringer Montepio notarized or professional respectively.
* All livelihoods should indicate monthly income.
** Once the file each time you upgrade livelihoods, should submit a new notarially-certified if necessary.
*** Will not be accepted ways of life of the partner or concubine of gestionante, unless the union has Uruguayan descent.
- Health Card: Issued by the ministry of public health or medical institutions authorized to that effect. In all cases must be in the same location or it is for legal residence in the country.4. Exact date of entry into the country, card input / output (tourist) or verbal expression, as appropriate.
- Criminal records. Will require: The country where he lived the last five years before its entry into Uruguay. Should make last address.
- The country of his nationality.
In the case of Brazil, which accepts the certificate is issued by the appropriate state. If the certificate of the federal police, just needs to present the authority of the state to be declared a legal resident.
* If the person is older than 15 years and lived the last five years before entering the country in the united states, or their nationality is American, must come to the office of Interpol in Montevideo to take fingerprints, called for the background.
* In order to shorten the time of administrative procedure, for example to obtain the provisional ballot, he may bring the certificate of good conduct (legalized and translated) from countries that maintain the convention of Interpol.
- Identity document with which he entered the country or the current force. If there are differences among the names listed on identity cards and foreign surnames be used in Uruguay-under Uruguayan law, which placed first the last name first, then the maternal surname, the gestionante must provide a birth certificate legalized (and translated, if necessary), or registered in the civil registry Uruguayan.
- Book or Certificate of Marriage
* To start the process of residency is required to submit all the requirements.
* If he does not speak Spanish, with participating interpreter.
* Any foreigner who is this document to be added to the file must necessarily be legalized by the Uruguayan consulate and the ministry of foreign affairs, and translated into Spanish, if necessary.
* In case of a foreigner under the age of 18 years, in addition to complying with the above requirements, must present specific permission from their parents to settle in Uruguay. You'll have to try as a student from 5 years of age, with certificate of study and a notarized certificate (full details of the school), whether the institution is public does not need a notarized certificate. If the child is not going to live with any of its parents must be established by their parents that adult is responsible for him in the country, which will seek its consent.
*Temporary identity card abroad to start their legal residence will be newly empowered to receive the certificate for obtaining the first Uruguayan identity card as a temporary-resident-in process, once held in the file, or certifications of good conduct from the outside.
Any doubt, consultation, clarification of interest on any aspect of these formalities, do not hesitate to contact us:
Procesing visa or residence in Uruguay

If you're going to live in Uruguay for a period of time and aims to process the temporary or permanent residence, we can provide the advice you need. 

The paperwork needed for the processing of residence can be lengthy and difficult to carry out by a foreigner who is not familiar with the country. Although Uruguay is a country prone to receive these foreigners is necessary to comply with a series of requirements that should be credited to the Dirección Nacional de Migraciones (National Directorate of Migration), the body responsible for approving the residences.
While, the body responsible for granting residence permits to overseas tends to follow the formalities personally, it also allows, through a letter of authorization, granted powers to other persons for the completion of formalities.

The paperwork needed for the processing of residence can be lengthy and difficult to carry out by a foreigner who is not familiar with the country. Although Uruguay is a country prone to receive these foreigners is necessary to comply with a series of requirements that should be credited to the Dirección Nacional de Migraciones (National Directorate of Migration), the body responsible for approving the residences.
For more information or advice contact us at
We work in Motevideo downtown.
Flytning til Uruguay Procedure
Vi er din personlige assistent til at få visum og ophold i Uruguay
Vi giver alle de oplysninger, der kræves for at opnå permanent ophold i Uruguay, enten ved undersøgelse, pension eller virksomhed. Så vi hjælpe med liberaliseringen af papirarbejde før den officielle migration organisme. Kontakt os, før de kom til Uruguay eller under deres ophold i vores land. Vi vil hjælpe. Vi er en seriøs og ansvarlig hold, vi forstår, at det er vanskeligt for en udlænding i udførelsen af papirarbejde.
Også visa og midlertidig opholdstilladelse, fast bopæl, becaming en Uruguay ophold. Vi hjælper dig til at opnå Uruguay pensionering status bopæl. For at få Uruguay statsborgerskab og pas, bliver borger i Uruguay.
Oplysninger om migration ret.
Verhuizen naar Uruguay Procedures
Wij zijn uw persoonlijke assistent voor het visum en verblijfsvergunning in Uruguay
Wij bieden alle informatie die nodig is voor het verkrijgen van een permanente verblijfsvergunning in Uruguay, hetzij door de studie-, ouderdoms-of het bedrijfsleven. Dus we helpen bij de liberalisatie van het papierwerk voor de officiële migratie organisme. Neem contact met ons op voordat aan Uruguay of tijdens hun verblijf in ons land. We helpen. Wij zijn een serieuze en verantwoordelijke team, wij begrijpen de moeilijkheden van een buitenlander in de uitvoering van het papierwerk.
Ook visa en tijdelijk verblijf, permanente verblijfplaats, becaming een Uruguay ingezetenschap. Wij helpen u om Uruguay pensionering status verblijfplaats. Om de Uruguay-burgerschap en paspoort, een burger van Uruguay.
Informatie over migratierecht.
Muuttaminen Uruguay Menettely
Me olemme teidän henkilökohtainen avustaja saada viisumi-ja oleskelulupa Uruguay
Tarjoamme kaikki tarvittavat tiedot saatuaan vakituisen asuinpaikan Uruguayn joko tutkimus-, vanhuus-tai liiketoimintaa. Joten me auttaa vapauttamisen paperityötä ennen virallista maahanmuutto-organismista. Ota yhteyttä ennen kuin Uruguayn tai oleskelun aikana maamme. Me autamme. Olemme vakavasti otettava ja vastuullinen ryhmä, ymmärrämme, kuinka vaikeaa on ulkomaalainen suorittaessaan paperitöitä.
Myös viisumien ja tilapäinen oleskelulupa, pysyvä oleskelulupa, becaming yksi Uruguay asuinpaikkavaatimus. Autamme sinua hankkimaan Uruguay eläke tila oleskeluun. Saat Uruguayn kansalaisuus ja passin tullut kansalainen Uruguay.
Tietoa maahanmuuton lainsäädäntöä.
Déplacement à l'Uruguay Procédures
Nous sommes votre assistant personnel pour obtenir le visa et de séjour en Uruguay
Nous fournissons toutes les informations requises pour obtenir la résidence permanente de l'Uruguay, que ce soit par l'étude, de retraite ou d'affaires. Ainsi, nous aidons à la libéralisation des formalités avant la migration organisme officiel. Contactez-nous avant de venir en Uruguay ou au cours de leur séjour dans notre pays. Nous vous aiderons. Nous sommes une équipe sérieuse et responsable, nous comprenons la difficulté d'un étranger dans l'accomplissement de formalités administratives.
Aussi des visas et la résidence temporaire, résidence permanente, devenant un uruguay résidence. Nous vous aider à obtenir le statut de résidence de retraite uruguay. Pour obtenir de l'Uruguay de citoyenneté et de passeport, de devenir citoyen de l'Uruguay.
Informations sur la législation sur les migrations.
Προχωρώντας στην Ουρουγουάη Διαδικασίες
Είμαστε προσωπική βοηθός σας για να τις θεωρήσεις και τη διαμονή στην Ουρουγουάη
Πρέπει να παρέχει όλες τις πληροφορίες που απαιτούνται για την απόκτηση μόνιμης διαμονής στην Ουρουγουάη, είτε με τη μελέτη, τη σύνταξη, ή επιχείρηση. Συνεπώς, θα βοηθήσει στην απελευθέρωση των εγγράφων πριν από τον επίσημο οργανισμό μετανάστευσης. Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας για την Ουρουγουάη, πριν ή κατά τη διάρκεια της παραμονής τους στην χώρα μας. Θα σας βοηθήσει. Είμαστε μια σοβαρή και υπεύθυνη της ομάδας, κατανοούμε τη δυσκολία του αλλοδαπού στην εκτέλεση γραφειοκρατία.
Επίσης, τις θεωρήσεις και προσωρινής διαμονής, μόνιμη κατοικία, την Ουρουγουάη becaming μία κατοικία. Πρέπει να σας βοηθήσει να αποκτήσετε Ουρουγουάη συνταξιοδότησης καθεστώς διαμονής. Για να πάρετε το διαβατήριο και την υπηκοότητα της Ουρουγουάης, να γίνει ένας πολίτης της Ουρουγουάης.
Πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη μετανάστευση δίκαιο.
Trasferirsi in Uruguay Procedure
Noi siamo il vostro assistente personale per ottenere il visto e il soggiorno in Uruguay
Forniamo tutte le informazioni necessarie per ottenere la residenza permanente in Uruguay, sia da studio, la pensione o per affari. Così aiutiamo nella liberalizzazione dei documenti prima che la migrazione organismo ufficiale. Contattaci prima di venire in Uruguay o durante il loro soggiorno nel nostro paese. Ti aiuto. Siamo una squadra seria e responsabile, si capisce la difficoltà di uno straniero in svolgimento burocratiche.
Inoltre, visti e di soggiorno temporaneo, soggiorno permanente, diventando uno uruguay residenza. Noi vi aiuterà a ottenere lo status di residenza uruguay pensionamento. Per ottenere la cittadinanza e il passaporto uruguay, diventare un cittadino di Uruguay.
Informazioni sulla migrazione legge.
Flytte til Uruguay Procedures
Vi er din personlige assistent for å få visum og opphold i Uruguay
Vi gir all informasjonen som kreves for å få permanent opphold i Uruguay, enten ved å studere, pensjonister eller virksomhet. Så vi hjelper i liberaliseringen av papirene før den offisielle migrasjon organisme. Kontakt oss før du kommer til Uruguay eller under oppholdet i vårt land. Vi vil hjelpe. Vi er en seriøs og ansvarlig team, forstår vi hvor vanskelig det er en utlending i utføre papirarbeid.
Også visa og midlertidig bosted, permanent bolig, becaming en Uruguay bosted. Vi hjelper deg å få Uruguay avgang status residence. For å få Uruguay statsborgerskap og pass, bli statsborger i Uruguay.
Informasjon om migrering lov.
Att flytta till Uruguay Förfarande
Vi är din personliga assistent att få visum och uppehållstillstånd i Uruguay
Vi ger all den information som krävs för att få permanent uppehållstillstånd i Uruguay, antingen genom studier, pension eller företag. Så vi hjälpa till med avregleringen av pappersarbete innan det officiella migration organism. Kontakta oss innan du kommer till Uruguay eller under deras vistelse i vårt land. Vi hjälper. Vi är ett seriöst och ansvarsfullt team, vi förstår att det är svårt för en utlänning att utföra pappersarbete.
Även viseringar och tillfälliga uppehållstillstånd, permanent uppehållstillstånd, becaming en Uruguay hemvist. Vi hjälper dig att få Uruguay pensionering status bostad. För att få Uruguay medborgarskap och pass, blir medborgare i Uruguay.
Information om migration lag.
New services - Gestoría ante oficina en Montevideo
Now also, expanding the range of services we provide remote execution of procedures to public offices in Uruguay. To the Intendencias, Ministries, Civil Registry and others. Contact us via
Servicio de Gestoría en Montevideo y Uruguay.
Ampliando nuestros servicios ofrecemos a los extranjeros y uruguayos que se encuentran en el exterior la posibilidad de realizar trámites a distancia, consultas ante oficinas públicas. Registro Civil, expedición de partidas, búsqueda de datos filitatorios. Presentación y consulta de trámites ante los Ministerios, Intendencias y oficinas públicas en general. Contáctese con nosotros.
Servicio de Gestoría en Montevideo y Uruguay.
Ampliando nuestros servicios ofrecemos a los extranjeros y uruguayos que se encuentran en el exterior la posibilidad de realizar trámites a distancia, consultas ante oficinas públicas. Registro Civil, expedición de partidas, búsqueda de datos filitatorios. Presentación y consulta de trámites ante los Ministerios, Intendencias y oficinas públicas en general. Contáctese con nosotros.
Investing in Uruguay information
The Law No. 16,906 declared of national interest the promotion and protection of investments made by domestic and foreign investors in the country.
The system of admission and treatment of investments by foreign investors is the same as that accorded to domestic investors.
The investments will be accepted without prior authorization or registration.
The State shall grant a fair treatment to investments, promising not to harm their installation, operation, maintenance, use, enjoyment or disposal by unreasonable or discriminatory measures.
The State guarantees the free transfer abroad of capital and profits and other sums related to investment, which will be made in freely convertible currency.
The beneficiaries of the exemptions set forth, the taxpayers of the Income Tax of Industry and Commerce, the Agricultural Income Tax and the Tax on the Disposition of Agricultural Goods, which carried industrial or agricultural activities.
The benefits established and to grant the executive branch, under the legal powers which are conferred on it, and generally operate on automatic for all subjects referred to in the preceding paragraph.
nvestment means for the purposes, the acquisition of the following property to integrate the asset or the intangible asset:
A) movable for direct production cycle.
B) Equipment for electronic data processing.
C) Improvements still affected industrial and agricultural activities.
D) Intangible property such as trademarks, patents, industrial designs, privileges, copyrights, goodwill, trade names and concessions to explore for, cultivate, extract or exploit natural resources.
E) Other assets, processes, inventions or creations that incorporate technological innovation and technology transfer involving, at the discretion of the executive.
The law include tax benefits for investors.
A) Exemption from property tax of fixed assets included in subparagraphs A) and B) of article 7, acquired from the effective date of this Act. The said goods shall be taxed as an asset for the purposes of deduction of liabilities.
This exemption shall not operate in the event that the goods referred to be valued as fictitious.
B) Exemption of Value Added Tax and Specific Internal corresponding to the importation of the goods as mentioned in previous paragraph, and returning the value added tax included in purchases in the same plaza.
The Law No. 16,906 declared of national interest the promotion and protection of investments made by domestic and foreign investors in the country.
The system of admission and treatment of investments by foreign investors is the same as that accorded to domestic investors.
The investments will be accepted without prior authorization or registration.
The State shall grant a fair treatment to investments, promising not to harm their installation, operation, maintenance, use, enjoyment or disposal by unreasonable or discriminatory measures.
The State guarantees the free transfer abroad of capital and profits and other sums related to investment, which will be made in freely convertible currency.
The beneficiaries of the exemptions set forth, the taxpayers of the Income Tax of Industry and Commerce, the Agricultural Income Tax and the Tax on the Disposition of Agricultural Goods, which carried industrial or agricultural activities.
The benefits established and to grant the executive branch, under the legal powers which are conferred on it, and generally operate on automatic for all subjects referred to in the preceding paragraph.
nvestment means for the purposes, the acquisition of the following property to integrate the asset or the intangible asset:
A) movable for direct production cycle.
B) Equipment for electronic data processing.
C) Improvements still affected industrial and agricultural activities.
D) Intangible property such as trademarks, patents, industrial designs, privileges, copyrights, goodwill, trade names and concessions to explore for, cultivate, extract or exploit natural resources.
E) Other assets, processes, inventions or creations that incorporate technological innovation and technology transfer involving, at the discretion of the executive.
The law include tax benefits for investors.
A) Exemption from property tax of fixed assets included in subparagraphs A) and B) of article 7, acquired from the effective date of this Act. The said goods shall be taxed as an asset for the purposes of deduction of liabilities.
This exemption shall not operate in the event that the goods referred to be valued as fictitious.
B) Exemption of Value Added Tax and Specific Internal corresponding to the importation of the goods as mentioned in previous paragraph, and returning the value added tax included in purchases in the same plaza.
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